
This notebook implements a simple baseline for binary classification using the DummyClassifier from scikit-learn: chap04_binary_baseline. Note that this code is not discussed in the book.


This notebook implements a binary Perceptron classifier from scratch using NumPy: chap04_perceptron.

Binary Logistic Regression

This notebook implements a binary logistic regression classifier from scratch using NumPy: chap04_logistic_regression_numpy.

This notebook implements a binary logistic regression classifier using PyTorch and negative log likelihood loss: chap04_logistic_regression_pytorch_nll.

This notebook implements a binary logistic regression classifier using PyTorch and binary cross entropy loss: chap04_logistic_regression_pytorch_bce.

Multiclass Logistic Regression

This notebook implements a multiclass logistic regression classifier using PyTorch: chap04_multiclass_logistic_regression.